Please share how you came to follow Christ.
I remember first hearing the gospel when I was six years old. I remember it like it was yesterday. As my mother was putting me to bed, she told me that I was sinner, but that Jesus could forgive me of my sin if I called out to him as Lord. And in doing so, I could be restored to God because of what Christ had done on the cross, dying for the sins of his people as a substitute. Thank God for my mother who evangelized me! Though that was the first time I remember hearing the gospel, I didn't repent of my sins and follow Jesus as Lord and Savior until I was around 15 years old. Thank God, that now almost 30 years later, I am more amazed at God's kindness, love and mercy in Christ, than when I first turned to him as Lord. Praise God for his saving and sustaining grace.
How did you meet your wife? Please introduce the rest of your family.
My first memory of Melanie is when she was 6 years old (I was 9)! We grew up together at a Chinese Baptist Church in Orange County, CA, and her older brother was one of my best friends. When I was in my mid 20's, our paths crossed where we actually got to know each other as friends (up until then, she was always "my friend's younger sister"). During that summer, I concluded that if everything I thought I knew about her was true (that she lived for Christ, was joyful, sweet, and loving, and she was interested in missions, and other things), I would be blessed to have her as my wife. So one day, I called her and asked her out on a lunch date. We've been married now for almost two decades. :) We have four children—two in high school and two in grade school.
Please share your prior experience as a pastor.
- Senior Pastor at First Baptist Church of Hacienda Heights
- Associate Pastor at United Christian Church of Dubai, United Arab Emirates
- Lay Elder and Pastoral Assistant, Third Avenue Baptist Church, Louisville Kentucky
- Pastoral Assistant, Capitol HIll Baptist Church, Washington, D.C.
How did you come to Evergreen? How has your time at the church been so far?
I met Rocky sometime in 2019 and we developed a friendship given our like-mindedness in Christ. Eventually, I went through some health issues and decided I'd be better off in a support role as opposed to a lead senior pastor role. Now here I am at Evergreen, by the sovereign providence of God!
Getting to know the church, and getting to support Rocky has been great. I've been encouraged in getting to know folks (in various settings like the ACE classes, the Young Adult settings, and in regular conversations), to hear what's on people's minds and hearts. It's awesome to see people hungry for the Lord.
What will you be doing as a pastor at Evergreen?
My title is Pastor of Discipleship and Pastor of Young Adults. I have the opportunity of encouraging/helping EBCSGV grow in our discipleship to Christ, focusing on people and processes from a "30,000 foot view." As the Young Adult Pastor, I'll be doing the same, but from a "street-level" view, as I'll be with them weekly. I look forward to studying the Word with EBCSGV as a whole, and the Young Adults more specifically.
What are some of your hopes for Evergreen?
So much could be said. To summarize, my hope is what Jesus desires of all his people: that the church would grow in knowing God's love in Christ according to His Word, and be transformed by His Spirit, in order to display God's glory all the more to the watching world according to his will.
How can the church pray for you and your family?
Please pray for our transition to our new church. :)